Thursday, March 24, 2011

How the Media has Shaped my Mind

The recent atrocities in Japan have revealed to me just how influenced I am by Hollywood. My perception of the tsunami and the impending nuclear tragedy has been completely shaped by disaster movies. When I first heard that there were videos of the tsunami wave hitting Japan, I expected to see something like this:

Now that seems downright laughable, compared to the eerily quiet reality of the tsunami waves that just seeped into city streets and swept boats and cars and buildings away, like toys in an overflowing bathtub. The reality, though less dramatic than the special effects, is no less unnerving or destructive.

You can only imagine how my idea of a nuclear power plant explosion compared to the real thing. We didn't get a mushroom cloud or fire or anything. I am feeling 1) foolish and angry for my obvious gullibility when it comes to the exaggerations I watch on a glittering screen; 2) horrified and guilty that I expected more destruction for people who are suffering greatly; and 3) thankful for the ease with which I can find true visual accounts of life around the globe, courtesy of the internet. Thank you Internet. You have enlightened a naive simpleton on the ways of the world.

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